Relationship Counseling
We were created to be in relationship with one another, but sometimes our relationships become strained to the point of creating resentment towards our partner/friend/family/employer/co-worker. Are your relationships working for you or burdening you? Do you need skills to increase your satisfaction in your romantic relationship, work-life relationship or family life? Our team’s San Antonio relationship counseling services can help by addressing a multitude of relationship issues including but not limited to:
- Pre-Martial Counseling (utilizing prepare/enrich assessment)
- Partnership / Family Conflict
- Parent-child Conflict
- Workplace Conflict
- and much more…
Few people understand that you can independently work on relationship issues, as well as, work on them collaboratively. A few ways our San Antonio relationship counseling sessions can address these issues are:
- Understanding and avoiding the leading predictor of divorce.
- Handling gridlock issues
- Creating Healthy Rules for Conflict
- Increasing your ability and desire to communicate in a open in honest way.
- Developing new relationships
- Removing relationships that are no longer healthy.
- Setting boundaries
- Prioritizing potential hot button issues
- Discussing core beliefs, roles in your family, chore expectations.
- Identifying each others love language
- Let’s talk about SEX!
Taking action in your relationship is the first step in creating a healthier environment for all involved. At Courageous Counseling and Consulting, we help our clients live more enriched, fulfilled lives by helping them address their relationship needs and confront the conflicts of each couple. Contact our office today and schedule an appointment.